Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Great White Monkey TV

Ginger (of the Wildhearts) and Laika Dog (featuring Tony of Terrorvision) are currently touring the UK. I'd love to go and see these two awesome bands playing on the same bill, but I'll be in Vassilikos when the tour rolls around my way. Oh, it's a hard life ;-)

Thankfully, to make me feel better, Ginger has started the GWMTV channel on You Tube, documenting the tour each step of the way. You can watch the first installment below and be sure to subscribe to the channel for more shenanigans.

Ginger was in Denmark, recording the new Wildhearts album, 'Chutzpah'. The band blogged about the recording of the album that should hit stores in August daily, in a very entertaining and enlightening way.

He certainly seems to like the internet at the moment as he's also a guest blogger over at the Classic Rock website, where he writes about some of his favorite overlooked bands. It's great to be seeing more of an online presence from him as his Ask Ginger and Ginger Says sections of the Wildhearts website were great back in the day.

Monday, 4 May 2009

I Dumped My Mind

Scary Mansion are set to release their sophomore album later this year. No details on the album yet, but a couple of tracks have crept onto the internet.

The first is 'I Dumped My Mind', a kind of semi-official release, seeing as it's featured on the Scary Mansion You Tube page:

The second is a demo/alternate version of the song 'No Law'. The video is directed by Andrew Hoepfner of Creaky Boards, who says that the album version will be more punky in feel:

I was completely addicted to the debut album by Scary Mansion and am very much looking forward to the new tunage heading our way.

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