Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Change Of Time

I don't think I've written about Josh Ritter on here yet and I can't think for the life of me why not.  He's such a talented singer-songwriter, who consistently puts out great, meaningful records and always looks so happy when playing live.  You don't often see someone on stage, eyes closed with a huge grin on their face, it's a refreshing change.

One of my all time favorite songs, 'Bone Of Song' is by him and pretty much manages to give me goosebumps on every listen.  Here's a live version of the song:

Josh has a new record, 'So Runs The World Away', coming out on May 4th (May The Fourth Be With You ;-), but you'll be able to pick it up on Record Store Day, April 17th on vinyl from your local independent record store.  He's also got his first novel in the works too, which came about while writing the new record.

You can download a free song from the new record, 'Change Of Time' from the official Josh Ritter site, or listen to it here:

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