Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Evelyn Evelyn

The debut album from Evelyn Evelyn is now available to buy for $6.66.  The album features Jason Webley and Amanda Palmer as Evelyn Evelyn.  The album has been getting press due to the guest vocals on a song called 'My Space' by Francis Bean Cobain (daughter of Kurt & Courtney) as well as Neil Gaiman (who is engaged to Palmer) and Weird Al Yankovic.

The album itself is a concept album, about sisters are parapagus tripus dibrachius twins, who share three legs, two arms, three lungs, two hearts and a single liver.  As you might expect, the album is a little weird, but well worth a listen.  Check it out below:

<a href="http://evelynevelyn.bandcamp.com/album/evelyn-evelyn">Evelyn Evelyn by Evelyn Evelyn</a>

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