Thursday, 22 April 2010


It's a known fact these days that MTV doesn't play music videos any more, they're more concerned about the latest celebrity fads and anything non-music related really.  Gone are the days when you could tune into one of the MTV stations and just watch some cool music videos.

MTV Rocks goes some way into making this better and with the likes of Kerrang!, Scuzz and NME stations in the UK, all is not lost.  But it seems even these stations show more adverts than music videos, but I guess they have to pay the bills somehow.  Still, the music videos they do play are all pretty dated, with the stations seemingly churning out the SSDD.

A few years ago I'd watch these stations a lot, channel surfing between them all and usually catching something cool or something new that I'd then check out more by the band/artist.  These days I tend to make my own music television by surfing the internet.  With websites like From The Basement popping up and Tom Green sticking his finger up at the commercial channels and hosting his own online show, it's now wonder that ratings have been dropping for these television stations.

If I were to have my little slot on somewhere like MTV, at this moment in time I think the following videos would be played.  Here's my MMTV (My Music Telly Vision), why not join me for twenty minutes and check out some cool tunes and videos, all ad free and ready to stream. . .

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