Sunday, 28 September 2008

Brooklyn Is Love

Creaky Boards are another Brooklyn based band that I’ve been getting into recently, along with Scary Mansion. In fact, both bands have even worked together in the past. Creaky Boards is the name Andrew Hoepfner has given to all of his music since moving to New York City in 2004. They got quite a bit of publicity earlier this year when they accused Coldplay of copying one of their own songs, the aptly named ‘The Songs I Didn’t Write’, by posting the following video on You Tube.

The song does sounds a bit similar at first to “Viva La Vida”, but to my ears sounds a lot better than anything Coldplay have put out since ‘Parachutes’. It may have been a bit of a cheap publicity stunt, but certainly something that has helped spread the word of the ‘Boards. This all happened back in June. I must have been oblivious to it as I only just found out about the band.

The bands new album, 'Brooklyn Is Love', comes out in November and can be pre-orderd through the band's MySpaz site, where there are also a few songs streaming from the album, including the pretty groovy ‘Brooklyn’.

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